Monday, April 20, 2009


After a pretty crazy weekend, we are now getting down to some serious editing.

On Thursday afternoon I recieved a new piece of equipment - my 35mm adapter arrived from New Zealand. I also picked up a stedicam rig, ready for a big shoot on Friday.  So armed with a cinematographers toolkit and an EX3 I was ready to go.

Friday was a hectic day  - two locations and no assistant, a bag full of new toys and heaps to shoot.  After agreeing to shoot a friend's wedding, I thought let's make this a proper full on cinema experience.  The shoot was nuts - testing the new gear and learning to use the stedicam was an experience, I think I lost about a two kilos.  

I began at the hotel in Surfers Paradise and then drove up to the top of Tamborine Mountain, about an hours drive. I think I managed to pull it off.   I set up the stedicam and prepared the 35mm adapter and then just started shooting until the sun went down. I was exhausted Friday night, I dumped the footage and prepared the gear for Saturday.

Saturday 9am Puerto Bellago, Gold Coast. I had an am and pm shoot with some friends who had just recently married and kindly volunteered their time for the stedicam shoot. The shoot was swift, focused and lots of fun, but we did not have a lot of time as another photographer was waiting to shoot at the same spot.  

Another two kilos lighter and I finished the evening with a nice sunset shot over the other side of the resort.

A great weekend had and lots of fun.  Stay tuned for the film and pics.  [Now available to view at our website]