Friday, July 3, 2009

Ideal Bride Magazine article Choosing a Film maker

Myself and Susan (producer) have put together an article in Ideal Bride magazine's annual edition which will be in retail outlets from July.
It's an article about choosing a videographer/ film maker and what to look for  when searching for the right company to film your big day.
It's a pretty thorough  article that includes some key points when shopping around.
One of the most overlooked items on a bride and grooms list is the wedding video, for some reason brides just don't seem to put a value on it as they do a photographer, and this I believe is because of a couple of reasons. The quality, style and reputation that videographers have.
Ooh I hear you say, well I could talk about this subject all day, but I recommend you read the article.
Our hope is to change perceptions and to offer something very different to what is on the Australian market at present, not only to change opinions but also to offer couples  " something better" We are so excited about this and believe a massive change is under way.
Stay tuned for more on this subject.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Fox hotel Ideal bride Magazine July launch

Our team shot down to the Fox hotel on Brisbane's southbank, in the city and had an exciting day filming a selection of designer bridal gowns and funky formal gowns, as well as a couple of kilts for the boys. The team from Sterling studios photography did a great job of capturing beautiful images for the july launch of Ideal bride magazine. The filming was great fun with many interesting poses captured, the venue was certainly pretty funky.
We have posted a highlights clip on the Ideal bride website, which you  can check out and view the great gowns by Fiorenza and Hills on Hollywood, not forgeting the kilts by dressed to Kilt.
You can also view an alternative cut on our Vimeo page which we put together for fun.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ideal Bride Expo Versace promotional film

The team at Ideal Bride invited Highlight Films down to the Versace Hotel, in Surfers Paradise,  to film some of the fantastic wedding gowns that will be highlighted at the Expo.  The show, which will be held on the 31st May 2009, is the first time ever that Versace has allowed an expo into their exclusive hotel.

We had heaps of fun on the day and got to meet some of the designers, make up artists and stylists that will be attending the show.  We wish everybody great success, and hope you enjoy the promotional film.

See you there, and don't forget to come and say hello.

Please visit our website for the HD version.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wedding Expo Palazzo Versace-A New Product

We  are very excited about the up and coming Wedding and Bridal Expo being held at the Palazzo Versace on the 31 May 2009. 

It's the first time an Expo has been allowed at this exclusive hotel, and Highlight Films has a stand booked!

After such a huge response from a wedding we filmed last month, we have decided to offer our services to the many couples out there who want more than is being offered in the current marketplace. 

We believe we can offer a cinematic experience unseen on the Gold Coast and Brisbane. After lots and lots of research, we wanted to give clients a much higher quality film with more dynamics and much higher production values. What does this mean in plain english?  Well, absolute quality cinematic pictures made with flair and individual to each and every couple. 

We decided to work with a limited number of couples each year -  this guarantees that we can spend more time and have more involvment with the bride and groom on the day.  But we will let our films do the talking.  Visit the website to see highlights of Deb & Mike's Wedding.

We look forward to talking with the excited couples coming along to the Versace, and if you see us come and say hello.

Monday, April 20, 2009


After a pretty crazy weekend, we are now getting down to some serious editing.

On Thursday afternoon I recieved a new piece of equipment - my 35mm adapter arrived from New Zealand. I also picked up a stedicam rig, ready for a big shoot on Friday.  So armed with a cinematographers toolkit and an EX3 I was ready to go.

Friday was a hectic day  - two locations and no assistant, a bag full of new toys and heaps to shoot.  After agreeing to shoot a friend's wedding, I thought let's make this a proper full on cinema experience.  The shoot was nuts - testing the new gear and learning to use the stedicam was an experience, I think I lost about a two kilos.  

I began at the hotel in Surfers Paradise and then drove up to the top of Tamborine Mountain, about an hours drive. I think I managed to pull it off.   I set up the stedicam and prepared the 35mm adapter and then just started shooting until the sun went down. I was exhausted Friday night, I dumped the footage and prepared the gear for Saturday.

Saturday 9am Puerto Bellago, Gold Coast. I had an am and pm shoot with some friends who had just recently married and kindly volunteered their time for the stedicam shoot. The shoot was swift, focused and lots of fun, but we did not have a lot of time as another photographer was waiting to shoot at the same spot.  

Another two kilos lighter and I finished the evening with a nice sunset shot over the other side of the resort.

A great weekend had and lots of fun.  Stay tuned for the film and pics.  [Now available to view at our website]

Monday, April 6, 2009

MODELS WANTED for film shoot

Highlight films is getting ready for the next big thing in Wedding Cinematography. If you are married and or have a Wedding dress, we want to film you. Please note this will be something very special. Each couple will recieve a copy of the final movie. You don't have to be a professional, we want real people. please call Allen Mechen (director) on 0410713612 or office 07 56658782